Album Art Update

You may have noticed that album art for a number of the older Mix Fix mixsets was either missing or was a duplicate image.

Originally, when I started the Mix Fix series, I thought of using one standard image for all the mixes. As the series has evolved, however, I felt it was a richer experience for each set to have its own artwork. So I just recently went back to the older mixsets and redesigned their cover art. If you'd like to update the older mixsets you've grabbed from this site, you can either download the set again or you can download a .zip file containing larger-size versions of all of my current mixsets to date and manually add in whatever media player you use to listen to my mixes.

Like the images used on this website, almost all of the artwork I've selected is my original photography that I've manipulated to produce a final image. In addition to writing music (and developing websites), I also pursue photography passionately. It's nice in a venue like this website and with my music to be able to combine all of my creative talents. I hope you benefit from each and all of them.

What's your favorite Mix Fix artwork so far? Would love to read what you think in your comments below.

posted on 3.23.2007 09:32 PM • Add A Comment